實驗證明,Cox®脊骨減壓術 能幫助患者從痛症中恢復過來,減低痛楚:
Well-researched & documented, Cox® FlexionDistraction helps relieve spinal pain and returns patient to their desired quality of life by:
- 將 “椎間壓力” 降至 -192 mmHg (dropping intradiscal pressure to as low as -192mm Hg)
- 增加 “椎間孔” 空間達 28% (widening the spinal canal foraminal area by 28%)
- 減低脊椎神經線壓力 (reducing pressure on the spinal nerves)
- 恢復脊椎關節活動能力 (returning motion to the spinal joints )